Introduction of Resistor - Online Free Computer Course


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Thursday 17 August 2017

Introduction of Resistor

                  Introduction of Resistor

  • Resistors are the basic component in an electronic circuit which is used to generate Voltage and Current in the circuit. 
  • International Standards like IEC (International Electrical Commission) and ANSI(American National Standards Institute). 
  • These standards are useful in having common resistor sizes, markings, values and measurement methods. 
  • The standard resistor values are 10Ω,12Ω,15Ω,18Ω,22Ω,27 Ω,33 Ω,47 Ω,82 Ω 
  • Color bands on the resistors are used to represent the resistance values on each of the resistor. 
  • There are 4­band, 5­band and 6­band resistors. 
  • From the figure, we can see that the first and the second band represent the numerical value of the resistor, the third band is a multiplier to the power of ten and the fourth band is the tolerance level. 
  • Resistance calculation using Color Codes: 

  1. First Band Second Band * Third Band 
  2. Hence, the value of that resistor is Red: 2, Violet:7, 27, Brown: 10, 27 x10 = 270 Ohms, Gold: 5% tolerance. 
  3. Resistance = 270Ω, 5% tolerance. 

  • According to Ohm’s Law, Power is calculated as the product of Voltage and Resistance. 
  • There are two types of resistor, they are

  1. Fixed Resistor 
  2. Variable Resistor 

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